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About Me

Dear Visitor!
My name is David L. Banfai and I am the sole developer of VRShogiMates.

Strategic board games and especially shogi has always been an important part of my life, and as a VR enthusiast it was my desire to bridge the divide between these two worlds. What started as a personal passion project has grown organically into something bigger, that I hope will spread the love for these games and that VRShogiMates will bring as much joy to everyone as it has brought me developing it.

Virtual Reality Device
Nintendo Switch
Playing Video Game
Happy Gamer Family
Father & Son Gaming
Mobile Gaming
Happy Gamer
Gaming Time
Robots with Guns
Spaceship Landing on Earth
Friends Playing Video Games
Game Designer
Playing Games

Join Us

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If you wish to join this project as tester, or would wish to contribute in other ways, you can apply here.

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Game Designer
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